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Decimals and Percents
Elementary / Math / Decimals and Percentages
Check it. I got some numbers and they look like this is a one and a 5 followed by a percent sign yep. I gotta confirm it from a percentage to a decimal. QX how do I do this? I think I remember when she said okay, we're gonna take it slow. All right, yep, yep, here we go first, where's the decimal point? Add, it's right behind the spine. Yep. That's where it says drop this out move cute places to the left pop that dot in front of the wood now. It's as simple as that covert opposite to a test mode like that drop without Bluetooth basis to the left. Drop and move to the left high this move just like that drop it move two to the left high hit smoke just like that drop and move you to the left pop yes move just like that and move two to the left. All right, we have a brand new problem, but I know that we can solve it. Yep, convert numbers to a percentage and we have two new digits and little just like this desperate .9 and a three yes and a little just like this desperate .9 and a three first where so that's my point that in front of the Niger that's where it's sad drop the dark blue two places to the right pop deck stock right behind the three yeah man that shit convert a number to a percent drop the dot move cute place to the right path right behind the three and move two to the right to death smoke just like that and move two to the right. Just smooth just like that rock and move two to the right but that's me just like that and move to the right. All right let's take it back let's make sure that we're still on track. Tell me how to convert a des mode to percent. Come on, let's go. Okay okay that's right drop due to the right pop okay okay that's right. Okay now tell me how do I comfort a percent to address my one, two, one, two ready go. All right, I think you got it. Okay okay you really got it. Yeah man y'all don't got it now and have some fun, all right? All right, I need to tell you what to do when I yell for scent. All right? You know what I thought I'd tell you what to do but I yelled yes y'all guys okay one two one two let's go present to the decimal percent decimal move to two right shit. That's more. Percent move to the left then decimal to the right percent to the left yes move. Push it move to the left decimal. Yeah.