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TEYL I: Storytelling and Drama
College and University
Teaching English to young learners have to. They have to learn practice. And characteristic of the. Concept that's. Larger. But all I had was. A medical a lot on the cat pattern. But as I increase, we need. But I had a semester. Model young. But our pandemic will be studying asynchronous learning. Inquiry based learning, commodity and progresses per year. The entire makes synchronous synchronous, the androgynous Google Classroom, some of the Google slides, but the synchronous learning zoomed on Google Meet a little bit. Vanilla, bake it to some of the formative cuisine. And work video agile commodity and. SI. Dilemma from la jaran Serengeti. Vanilla I am. But I will thank access sample from la gerania Sato, Google Classroom. I did watch the 9 weekly Google Classroom. I come in from la geran siae and asynchronous. We are from command matari ajara, and. There is a career since the interact city. Link weight litany in me. Lingual classroom. We think some Milan in the then commodity. Loom. Again, any storytelling and drama that the access. Hello, Soleimani. It needs something to take. Focus, keep that linear de la. And then teaching young learners through stories and drama that we are going to be making storytelling drama. Storytelling in media work to start to learn. Here to get. Googling searching. The way that you need and demand, why using stories, the reason why we use stories to teach young learners yet at the English to young learners, young Canada. Self esteem work. They do self esteem. Citizenship attitudes and citizenships. Exposure to language. What exposure listen to input their input by commodity and say what kind of stories can graduate readers apply to graduates, Nissan, or Mumbai to extend safe and be great at the level. There's an extensive reading here. We'll find up. The. Young learners separate. In your model activity in general, you need to discuss the quiz that a game activity in need be someone to accept. Then the video video from the end has the activity in the adult year upload digital poster. Click doodling in me and it may end up collection. The locally and I can pass up a panel. And the posting this online. Yeah. So the ramp was impossible. But. It missed the whole class. Okay, it needs some. Share the classically. One mafia, what do you need? So if you want, if you don't want to wait for this, you can just fast forward the video. Fast forward a day, video. And today's episode. Meeting 9. That means rushing as well. Yeah. Going to the things at the same time. Bitching and story. And drama, Angela. We offended simple. Story and drama. But the Australian drama this is me, but I can not say sorry and drama used in yl plus. Drama, the class has so as a marine. To other class drama, it had larger bogeymen as it drama it and the second part. I have to do a drama. All right. I've got a little more. Simple idea. So I'm gonna be able to put a little. Please have a read our material materials on it. Okay, some people bloom. Yeah, recording. And when you say, oh, the number, and miss Harris. All right, so let's go back to this. So what I'm going to do is to show you my presentation. I'm going to store it because it language in context any added again. Language in context. So I see the rich Rita. Oxygen is a language in context. And you got a lot of fun. Enjoy with this story, stories are enjoyable. The genetic vertical fundamental thing. Skills, subcutaneous. Skills. Listening, speaking, reading, writing. Back on thinking skills. We've got a structure of stories. Structure of stories it will be a story about. There is a contact animals. But. Also one by one, wrap up this. Content of stories and the content of stories in it, Mesquite, and the story to the heightened and unplugged and unplugged. And then sluggish. No. At all, so in guru, a media lab. Language in context. Language exposure. Language input they are comprehensible input input has I end up at the knee department. I'm identity basic three stage model plus. I need to hang out pretty well and post storytelling that picaro read the month suggest under your homeschool links. You still need prehistory in wild storytelling and post storytelling. And subliminal bloom. And thirdly, the, let's say the rich run in image later that Tiger read at a Tiger at a frog and run run. How do we one run one with a deep storytelling and a flashcard games bruna thop vocabulary learning archive flashcards young traditional messenger digital flashcards passing me a project or a missile. And predicting the story. They are immunocompromised. What's Tiger doing? What is giraffe doing? What's Tiger doing? All of those are doing. I can't tell the rich. It was a young democracy and a new room. I can do. Well, that's okay, yeah. So it gets pulled to a pool person. It would be so out of the market. Yeah. Harass me sadhguru, I'm privacy. Pointing. Turkish for initial listening to this story. Yeah, in England you tend to reproducing the story. Run, run, run. You said, yeah, you're focused on initial listening to the story. While storytelling. Miss montmartre. Again, while storytelling, this. Carol read tadi. Sorry cards. So a storybook. Are there any big books? Digital version of this story beside you. In the YouTube channel so that it bought around. Digital version. So you need to have these slides on engineer. Telling the story. I'm tearing this story. And then at the engagement. At the engagement at the participants. The activity says stop at all stop. Say hello. Hello, mouse. Belong stop. Stop. This has perfect. That's not right. That's not right any messenger. A mouse is cheese lasagna. But. That's not right. So respond that's not right. I'm good. So consent. None at the pace. While story, you did the storytelling it took it arose. Bragga mamrie can activity than mode. And animated storage, the YouTube adapter. Video maker Lisa. Digital storytelling apps in your website. Digital story telling app. Digital storytelling app, products, hanging onto recording and writing bloom CEM. I would not be sure that people who many say it storyboard that come again at our story. Pre storytelling is around post storytelling. Post storytelling, sorry. Sorry telling me while storytelling pre storytelling while storytelling and post storytelling. Sorry, related song. Yes, I am. And at the end of the month, media media are in Visa so related song. At all story cut out, a story cut out in east and my channel. About giraffe besides the ludicrous hand puppet, then at a retail in the story, maguna Khan. Some photos in here. While the Googling last story cut out, yet the character on the gun team. Telling the story. Acting out the story 90 77 drama year old play candy fan collapsed misanthropy in the road drama bandwidth. Values education values education in the developing family. Is it kind of messaging? The vines are the post storytelling. And the plasma plus 90 Cinemax on the other homeschool links. Telling the story in front of their family members, miss August, yeah. Nah, how long is Anya? Teaching English through story in me at the stages at the steps. The process here, I think, then plus the pre storytelling, while storytelling, host, storytelling. Pre storytelling. While storytelling, we set some real number charge at the activity lines. Stop at our hello and we do both storytelling beside you by the activity activity at the artifice. The story here, we said you got this expressions vocabulary, but having some story at the wooden asking personal questions. Working on pronunciation to go like the post storytelling in EBITDA has a certain color. The fear in it are the two vocabulary checked nearly story telly now. Links are mutual reinforcement. Making many books. Very capacity. Those zigzag storybooks here are for pop up book with auto follow the ball. Zigzag storybook Ito. Basically check the Internet. It is my channel. The adaptation. And the request by saying this is two on two. Again, since I thought this one worked in Sonya. Yeah. Then the. Developer had full color supplemental drama, but the boss moon. Do a perfect one on top. Yeah. Dramatic psychiatric. Number has drama.