Veterans Day
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Played by the innocent military band. Imagine today is a badger holiday observed annually on November 11th. Not only in the United States, but in many other countries throughout the world. All right. I might have women that have served a military veteran in the armed forces. The history of Veterans Day dates back to the 11th hour of the 11th day. I got 11 months. A 90 18. When I settle in between Germany and the allied nations came into effect. Bringing an end to World War I. On November 11th, 1919, armistice state was the point by a president Wilson and honored the United States. That's it to serve in World War I for the first time. In 1926, the United States Congress officially recognized November 11th as the end of World War I. And declared that they asked the anniversary of the armistice. In 1954, on the 6th day became known as Veterans Day. Honoring that trend of all wars. Traditionally bachelor's day is beautiful as a time of honor and Chewy number. Yearly and officially lazy ceremony is held each Veterans Day at the two of the unknowns. And I went to national cemetery in Virginia. While parades, church services, and other celebrations are held throughout the United States. Veterans Day pays tribute. To all American veterans, living or dead. Especially to thanks to the living veterans gray war or peacetime. What's so proud to be real but the twins must be who's what's right right. Or the right. I got it right there for us first. It broke through the flame was still there.