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More Than A Parade - Memorial Day
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Now all was silent. Sledgehammer blows the Robert E. Lee and the Stonewall Jackson. At all, the army of the Potomac. And yet that army was not destroyed. 7000 men had fallen in Madrid for weeks. And the savagery of the conflict was extremely evident in the river of wounded. And wound through the green hills. Now a news sound drifted in the soft evening sky. For colonel Dan Butterfield, the rages enabled soldier was also a man of music. To honor his fallen comrades, it composed a simple and a heart rending melody. On July 2nd, in the year of 1862, it strains floated over the graves that scarred the dark Virginia earth. It has been more than a hundred years since that film was born. But those notes have never died away. Every night of the year, throughout the world, fighting men of America from the north and the south, the east and the west, close their eyes and sleep to its calm. And in each of their hearts, their glows are fierce surgeon pride.